Growing & Keeping Romance Alive

My husband and I are highschool sweethearts. We’ve been together now for 15 years, and married for 10 (as of July 2019). Please keep in mind, I am not a therapist. I do not hold a license or degree that qualifies me as an expert. But my husband and I do have healthy boundaries, good communication and come from homes with happily married parents that served as a great example of what a healthy loving marriage looked like. These tips are what worked/works for us.

Eggplant Parm Stack Recipe

Take advantage of fresh Eggplant to make the best Eggplant Parm. No sloppy, bitter mush from a casserole dish—this is pretty to plate and full of fresh flavor! Elevated with smoked mozzarella and roasted garlic—and even better? Ready to serve in less than 30 minutes and easily made gluten-free. Perfect for meatless Monday.

How to Look Great at Any Event

Everyone wants to look great and feel confident when they are invited to a big party or wedding——but we rarely want to drop a lot of cash on a look we are only going to wear once. Plus, in this age of social media, you really can’t get away with repeating outfits too often.

Being in the beauty industry, looking pulled together and appropriate for the occasion is extra important to me. Here’s my secret…. It rhymes with Spent the Fun Way.

Kitchen Tools You'll ACTUALLY Use

The tools I use day in and day out in my own personal kitchen. It’s hard to know what gadgets really are useful and which are a waste of money and space. If you’re building a registry, getting your first place on your own, or looking to start cooking from home more often, my guide will show you all the tools you can’t live without.

How to Know When to Discard Cosmetics

If you’re anything like me you have gobs of cosmetics. ALL OF IT SPARKS JOY…but if it’s potentially harboring bacteria or no longer effective? I’ll help you understand how long various cosmetics last, plus tips to keep them fresher longer. Are you actually throwing away your mascara TOO often? Keeping your powder too long? You’re not alone.